Here you'll find all you need to know to configure Updaty
Register a Resource
To register a new resource on your Discord server you may run the following command
/addresource <resource link> <channel> [download url]
<resource url> (mandatory), it's the url to your resource under the or domain name, example:⭕%EF%B8%8F1-8-1-21⭕%EF%B8%8Fhpet✏%EF%B8%8Fpacket-based-pets-cosmetics-⭕%EF%B8%8F.93891/
<channel> (mandatory), it's the channel where your resource updates will be posted
[download url] (optional), you may specify a different link from the resource url for the Download button on the updates messages, if not present Updaty will use the [resource url] instead
All Commands
/help - Get usage help in chat
/listresources - Show all the registered resources
/addresource - Quickly register a new resource
/removeresource - Deletes a resource from the list
/forceupdatecheck - Forces to check the updates of all your registered resources
Last updated